Visceral Manipulation/ Organ Mobilization
What is Visceral Manipulation?
Visceral Manipulation / Organ Mobilization
Hi guys! I’m excited to share with you a therapy that I am now offering called Visceral Manipulation. It is a gentle and specific manual therapy encouraging normal mobility of the organs and their connective tissue. Yes, I’m saying that I am trained to move and release restrictions (using my hands on your abdomen) on specific organs in a gentle and painless way.
All of our organs should be able to move freely. When they can slip and slide on each other, they are able to function at their best. Any time we get inflammation in any organ, as it’s going through the healing phase it will adhere to tissues around it and put the organ in a rigid state, which affects how the organ functions. It will also affect blood flow, lymphatic drainage, and nerve conduction of that organ, as well as the spine, rib cage, neck and shoulders, and low back. For example, frozen shoulder can relate to a nerve irritation stemming from the lungs, chronically cold feet can be related to your small intestine, left sciatica or SI pain can be your sigmoid colon, right medial knee pain and instability can be related to your large intestine, right shoulder pain can be a restriction in your liver, heart burn and reflux can mean your stomach is sitting too high, and left-sided neck pain could be related to the gallbladder due to the phrenic nerve that runs through it. Visceral manipulation of the inflamed organ can reduce and even eliminate the seemingly unrelated pain and/or digestive issues listed above as well as bring the organ back to fully functional. This really shows how everything in our body is truly connected.
How do our organs get inflamed?
Our organs can become inflamed from surgery, injuries, whip lash, chronic infections, direct trauma, environmental toxins, heavy metals, emotional stress, diet, and repetitive movement. The interesting thing is that we do not have pain receptors in our actual organs. We feel pain in other areas where nerves and connective tissues relate directly or indirectly to that organ.
Throughout my 17 years as a licensed massage therapist, I have become frustrated seeing chronic pain areas that appear and feel like they should be able to be healed through massage, chiropractic and stretching exercises, only to be discouraged that the problem keeps reappearing. Visceral Manipulation is the missing link that I have been searching for! I look forward to checking your organs for restrictions and finding out if we can help some of your chronic pain go away for good, as well as bring your organs into balance so you can enjoy more vitality in your everyday life.
You can book a 30 minute Visceral Manipulation session, or add it on to your regular massage session. If you still aren’t sure about it, when you come in for your regular massage, we can discuss VM in your intake and see if it’s something you would like me to spend some of your session time on. Feel free to call me with any questions about Visceral Manipulation. Check this out to learn more about Visceral Manipulation and how it works:
If you do plan for me to check your organs for restrictions, do your best to NOT EAT for 2 hours before your session. This therapy is done best on an empty stomach!